
Punto de no retorno

Open studio / Guido Yannitto

Belén Moro, curador
Quintanaroo 56. Colonia Roma – México DF
August 3, 2012 – Mexico City

These works and visual essays were produced and gathered in Mexico City, during a two month art residence with the support of Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico and the National Ministry of Culture, Argentina


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Invitación de la exposición

Text / Press release

These works and visual essays were produced and gathered in Mexico City, during a two month art residence with the support of Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico and the National Ministry of Culture, Argentina


Guido’s recurring interest for water and its relationship with diverse specific environments guided the experimentation processes and production during his residence in Mexico City, where water has a functional value to economy, social exchange and everyday life.

A whole market towards this basic good has developed due to the fact that in here tap water is not safe to drink, and there is a permanent consumption. Therefore, water can be understood as a tool of power and control.

Observing the constant movement of exchanging bottles of water as containers of a purified liquid led to the creation of Tanque / Tinaco, a prototype of six water filters made in white ceramic with a colloidal silver bath, which presents as an autonomous alternative of filtering water.  These tanks purify, by the effect of the silver, the water they contain.

 Explorations towards colloidal silver led Yannitto to find this anti bacterial element in specific drops used in Mexico to disinfect water and vegetables.  From this he created a series of drawings, which are the result of a thorough and focused action, based on letting these drops fall over the paper. Control exercised over these reticular drawings is interrupted by formations that could resemble molecules or groups of bacteria.

Avistaje invidente, a photograph taken at Antarctica, is another point of stopping and transformation of water, this time in a territory isolated from man. Traveling to an unknown zone and the questioning about return are reflected in the tautology of the image of bringing and taking water from different natures, one from a salty sea, and the other from a fresh water glacier.

Thus, each of these works lead us to think about the “precise” moment in which the water they contain or represent changes from one state to another.  Once after crossing that point, substance changes and, despite it can return to its former state, it will not be the same.

In this exhibition, we can also see two photographs that are, somehow, the leak points of this essay and that presume mystery, inviting to contemplation and permanence in front of them.  Both result from experimentation with other daily life elements, as banana leaves, used as sheets to cover or upholster several structures. The continuous cycle of water is evident in this materials in other ways, more or less ecstatic.

From this perspective, the points of no return of this works are the articulations to come back to a central idea, which is repeated in the creative processes of the artist, and that has to do with the conditions that define the relationship between man and what is inherent to the matter that surrounds him.

Belén Moro


Bio of Guido Yannito

Guido Yannito nace en Mendoza en 1981. Vive y trabaja en Salta y Buenos Aires.  Es licenciado en pintura de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (2005). En el 2009 ingresa  al programa para artistas de la Universidad Torcuato Ditella y gana una beca de producción otorgada por el Fondo Nacional de las Artes.

Su trabajo ha sido publicado en: Poéticas Contemporáneas Itinerarios en las artes visuales en la Argentina de los 90 al 2010, Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Vida Plástica Salteña (segunda edición, corregida y aumentada), Carmen Martorell y Margarita Lotufo 2005. Impecable – Implacable. Marcas de la contemporaneidad en el arte de Córdoba, Gabriel Gutnisky 2005 y C/temp Arte Contemporáneo Mendocino, ED Contemporáneo 2008.

Su obra forma parte de la colección del Macro (Rosario) y MAC (Salta).

Ha expuesto de manera individual y colectiva desde 1998 en Argentina, México, Paraguay, Estados Unidos y Alemania.

En 2012 realizó la residencia Sur Polar, en la Antártida, durante cinco semanas, con el apoyo de la Dirección Nacional Antártida y la residencia de diez semana en la Ciudad de México, con la beca de colaboración entre FONCA, México y la Secretaria de Cultura de la Nación Argentina.

En 2013 obtuvo los premios Lucio Fontana (con una residencia de dos meses en Torino, Italia) y Segundo premio de Itaú cultural (por el video Avistaje).


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